04 Nov 4th November Fashion Essentials

In a world of ever changing fashion trends, it is difficult not to become swept along by the fast fashion movement.
The range of options that we are exposed to mean that often the content in our wardrobes can change at a very frequent rate. This issue with this is, as more clothes are produced, more of the world’s resources are utilised. The fashion industry is currently the second most damaging industry to our planet behind the oil industry. It is inevitable that styles will continue to evolve, however, it is true that some pieces never go out of style. Today I will select five pieces of clothing that can be used again and again to supplement and complement your clothes.
An authentic pair of Denim Jeans.
For me one of the most important pieces in my wardrobe is a good pair of jeans. Like all clothing, trends for jeans come and go but the basic straight-legged style is a base that can be used to build an outfit for the majority of occasions. To wear these casually all you need is a simple t-shirt, to make the outfit smarter and more appropriate for a casual office environment, a slouchy blazer and shirt will also look great! In order to get jeans that will last you may have to spend a bit more cash – this will be a great investment as it means they will often be made of better materials and last longer.
A basic jacket that can be paired with anything.
Much like jeans, the need for a jacket will never go out of style. A basic jacket will always be useful to complement a simple outfit or merely as a neutral layer for warmth. There are many different options but the most versatile continue to be a classic denim or leather jacket. These can be thrown on with a huge variety of outfits, from jeans to dresses.
A simple/statement pair of sneakers.
A basic pair of sneakers will be something that you can wear day in and day out. The highstreets have many many different brands and styles that you can choose from. A white sneaker is useful as the neutral colour can be paired with basically any outfit. However, if you are feeling more adventurous, a pair of shoes in a bold colour can do wonders to liven up an everyday outfit. Here are some of my favourites…..
A Multipurpose Bag.
Another essential is a good bag that will withstand all of the junk you are bound to throw in it. I personally prefer to use backpacks for university as it helps to balance the weight of my laptop and books! Like clothes, bags can also fall foul of fast fashion and many bags can break very quickly under the stress of all of the things that we load into them. Here are some of my top picks of bags that have proven to last the test of time……
A Dress.
At some point or another there is always going to be a need for a dress. Whether it is for a party that you forgot about, a meeting where you wish to look particularly fancy or just a normal day, there are some styles that are timeless. For basics, look for a little black slip dress or bodycon that can always transition into different occasions. Much like with the sneakers, colour pops can also be very successful to make a bold but easy statement. Here are some of my top suggestions….
We hope these ideas help you to create an amazing capsule wardrobe that you can use in lots of different situations!