The new year. A time for people to make resolutions and goals, whilst also leaving things behind. Here at Dopplle, we want to help you keep to your new resolutions, but we have also taken a moment to reflect about what we want to bring with us into the new year.
Dopplle helping you stick to your Resolutions.
Many of you may have sustainable living oriented goals this new year, and we hope to help you keep them! Want to become more educated about the environment and sustainable living? Dopplle. Follow us on any of our social media pages. Wanting to stay fashionable and sustainable? Dopplle. Download our app and get pre-loved clothes for FREE. Want to save money? Dopplle.
We have our core values here at Dopplle to help everyone live a more sustainable lifestyle! These aren’t just new resolutions for us, they are our goals that we stick to and continuously remind ourselves of them. Remind all to be mindful of where their clothes are coming from and to encourage everyone, including ourselves, to purchase pre-loved clothing where possible.
New App Release
Secondly, we started the new year strong with a great app update, meaning our January started with some great new features. Look out for our posts next week to find out what exactly is in our new release!
Here are some sneaky hints for you…
*Your Profile page has a new look for the new year too.*
*Like someone’s personal style? Now you can do something about it.*
And more! Keep an eye out next week for a a full run down of all the new features.
Finally, at Dopplle we have decided to try out Veganuary company wide. Each week we will release a new vegan recipe we have tried, how it went, what it tasted like, and if we would try it again! Our first cooking attempt was falafel burgers, go here to watch Izzie’s attempt (Instagram)…
Any hints on how to make them slightly more appetising would be much appreciated!