04 Nov 4th November The Value Of Being Mindful

In recent news, Sheila Hancock made a Quaker pledge not to buy any new clothes ever again. For some cynics, this might be ‘too little too late’ as the actress is now approaching her 87th birthday, but on the flip side, this new initiative may path the way for future generations to follow.
Whilst most of us know that fast fashion is a large contributor to the world’s carbon footprint, it may be shocking to hear that it impacts up to 10% of it. When textiles end up in landfills, the chemicals on the clothes cause environmental havoc by leaching into the ground.
Whereas some eco-warriors fight climate change by modifying their diet, we want to fight climate change by altering our buying habits. It’s easy to be caught up in the commercial commotion of fast fashion, however in such a ‘woke’ generation, one would assume that a more mindful approach may be adopted as commonplace. In terms of fashion, this might mean finding out more details as to where a brand source their materials, or whether child labour had been used. With this in mind, one can strive towards creating a more conscious world, where workers, as well as the planet, are treated fairly.
A few years ago, the media picked up on how Primark was using child labour in their factories. Not only that, but they were not transparent about how they sourced their materials, which caused a public outcry and demand for information. It does not come as a surprise, however, that a company that positions itself as an affordable fast-fashion store should be in trouble about their employment regulations and material sourcing. In order to cut down costs, many companies may lean towards unethical means. For a consumer that is unconscious and mindless about the consequences of their actions, they may buy these ‘bargain’ products. However, they will then become part of the toxic cycle: by giving these companies more money, they will continue to supply their unethically produced products.
As consumers, we have become increasingly conscious about our purchases, channeling the power of our vocalised objections.
to make a positive difference for the people involved in the making of our clothes and goods. However, this message needs to be spread far and wide. Whilst a copious amount of articles are being written on the subject of sustainability, one can but hope that the message is getting across: one must be more mindful of our purchasing power and how it affects the environment. If you believe in the importance of saving our planet and want to find out how, check out how you can be part of Dopplle today. Let’s come together to build a better, more sustainable world.
Written by Mélissa Chan – Cheape
Personal Blog: www.ahxra.com
Instagram: ahxra