04 Nov 4th November Why on Earth did I buy that?
“If you really want something, make sure you want it three times before you buy it” said a wise old man (my Grandad).
Do you ever go out shopping, get the bug and end up buying 10x more items than you were anticipating. Then once you get home, you realise that you already have 4 other white shirts, and those new, fancy jeans you just bought will never have the tags removed because they aren’t as comfortable as your favourite pair that you already live in?
We are all a victim of this, we see items and we want them. Maybe the model in the shop window looks super cute wearing that dress, or maybe you have seen a new trend coming in for that specific cut of trouser leg. Here are a few simple wardrobe-saving tips to stop you from saying “why the f**k did I buy that?” once you get home.
Every morning I spend more time wondering what am I going to wear that day, than anything else. When I book a holiday, my first thoughts are “what should I pack?” I know I own more clothes than the average 20 year old woman (I discovered this when I first went to University with 3 large suitcases of clothes while everyone had one or maybe two….). So, I have started to be proactive about how I shop for clothes so I don’t suffocate under a pile of material every time I open a drawer.
Try on everything
Probably the most important tip. I cannot be bothered to trek all the way back to the store to return an item, so instead I’ll just keep it and try to persuade myself that it will “work” once I buy the right skirt etc. TRY BEFORE YOU BUY. 15 minutes in the changing room could save a lot more time and money in the long run. Saving money = can afford more clothes. No, wait. Saving money = can do other nice things that don’t involve buying clothes….
“If you want it three times over, then you can get it” Grandad
The wise words of a man who doesn’t care what he wears as long as he is comfortable and he is presentable. This was said to me many times as a child but this also is relevant now. Back then he used to say this to me so I didn’t make him buy me a new toy every time we went somewhere… nowadays (50% of the time) I use this as an indicator as to whether I should invest in an item of clothing or not. Most of the time I have realised that I don’t actually “want” it I just think I do.
The One in One out rule
Another life changing rule that was initially put into action when my mother complained often about the “floor-drobe” I had on my bedroom floor. I try and keep to this but the only issue is my item that i get rid of just moves to another part of the room into the “I will get rid of it when I have the time.”
Your Standards (and how to raise them)
No, believe it or not this is not a dating advice article… ( 4. Is to be continued in our next article)
For more information on how to raise your standards and a solution to these problems, keep an eye out for the next part of “Why on Earth did I buy that?”
To be continued…